Christmas with the Bohannons

Manya and Matt spent the night with us on Christmas Eve so we could wake together and open gifts as a family (which M&M are, after all, just like!)

Between Christmas Eve services at FBCP, we listened to favorite Christmas tunes and decorated sugar cookies. Lesson learned...if your child doesn't normally get to eat sugar, then just before bedtime isn't the best time to make the introduction. JP didn't fall asleep until 9:30 - well past his bedtime! But, we love building Christmas traditions together and will simply move cookie decorating to an earlier hour in the afternoon, next year.

Tedd and I sang at both Christmas Eve services and didn't get to sleep until after 1 am, so we were delighted that the children slept until past 6:30. However, the big kid (TEDD!) woke before 6 am and declared that we should all be awake to because "it is Christmas!" I love his enthusiasm. And what a great time we had!

Below is a slideshow of our celebration with Ninja and Yee Yee...

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